Created by Forrest Harris, Knuckleduster Miniatures
Plastic cartoon gunfighters battle to the finish in a Wild West miniatures board game from the creators of Gunfighter's Ball!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
about 4 years ago
– Wed, Jan 06, 2021 at 04:27:51 AM
First of all, we are almost exactly halfway there! Thank you to everyone who has pledged, and welcome to everyone who joined us yesterday.
As a company that has always produced historical miniatures and wargames, we're excited to be producing a game that can cross-over to our friends and relations who have watched us with curiosity as we painted and modeled away at our hobby over the years. This game requires no painting skills, no knowledge of wargaming, no modeling, and no preparation in order to play a game. The playtesters from outside our hobby picked it up right away and had a great time. This included a scout troop, spouses, siblings, and inlaws.
The gamers among those who demoed it found the experience to be what they would expect from a good Wild West skirmish game, with movement and measurement using a board to be the main difference; the "feel" of Gunfight Royale is a lot like Gunfighter's Ball. The cards make it very simple to run as compared to a traditional tabletop minis game.
For our loyal Gunfighter's Ball customers and friends, we're deeply grateful that you're backing this, knowing that your main interest is our traditional 28mm Gunfighter's Ball slotta-base figures. Also knowing that you'll likely substitute GB figures for the playing pieces in the game, we'd like to offer a choice of stretch goal figures. At the end of the campaign, you can choose between the two styles of characters. You'll still receive cards for the characters either way you go.
For those who like both, the two styles of stretch-goal figures will be available as add-ons as well (without cards), so you can take one style as stretch goals and purchase the other as add-ons (for instance, you're giving the game to your sister's family and would like them to have the full set of cartoon characters that were unlocked, but will keep the GB figures for yourself). Once we know how many stretch goals are unlocked, we'll post info about that.
Again, thanks for getting us halfway to our goal in five days, and spread the word so we can fun the project and start unlocking some new characters!
about 4 years ago
– Tue, Jan 05, 2021 at 05:03:46 AM
Good morning everyone,
I see we're over $6,000. Thanks to everyone for your generous pledges!
We put together a rules PDF for our playtesters, and I've updated it with some info on the development and philosophy behind the game. I just posted a link on the KS page, and here is another:
If you've got friends, especially tabletop minis players, who you would like to introduce to the game, this document would be the best way to do it. You can share the link and anyone can view it.
Please keep your questions and comments coming, and have a fantastic day!
Stretch Goals Posted
about 4 years ago
– Mon, Jan 04, 2021 at 06:35:37 AM
Hi everyone,
We've gotten a third of the way by our third day, so not too shabby!
I've just posted the first four stretch goals, plus a preview of the figures that will be unlocked after that. You will play a key role in getting us there, so spread the word any way you can!
Are there additional add-ons you'd like to see? I'd love your feedback.
Also, there have been several inquiries about solo rules. I think that's a great idea, especially in our present circumstances. We'll start working on that. If you've seen solo systems for tactical games that you like, pass along your ideas.
I'll leave you with another one of our character profiles. This time, it's "The Outlaw."
Talk to you soon!
Introducing the First Stretch Goal
about 4 years ago
– Sun, Jan 03, 2021 at 06:27:21 AM
Hi everyone,
First of all, thank you all for the tremendous support you've shown in these opening days. We've raised almost $5000 since Friday afternoon, and we've got almost 50 backers (might have by the time I finish this update!).
Some of our backers have demoed the game, either at the shop during playtesting or demo kits that went out. If you're one of those people, please share your experiences in the comments below! I'd like to give everyone a sense of what makes this game unique. The original plan was to demo it at last year's conventions, but we all know what happened to the convention circuit in 2020!
What's next?
We're gunning for a goal of $15,000 to put the game in production. At that point, we'll unlock the first stretch goal character, the Giant. At the end of the kickstarter, the stretch goal characters will be available as add-ons as well (they're not exclusive to the KS).
Please keep your questions and comments coming, and more updates are on the way.
Meet Your Gunfighter: The Gambler and The Lady
about 4 years ago
– Sat, Jan 02, 2021 at 11:45:21 AM
I love The Gambler. He's usually my go-to. I like having the three Dirty Trick cards to start the game. He does have a couple of weaknesses. First off, his gun is not very good; an old pepperbox. Also, he has a fairly high bounty, so if your opponent takes him out, you've handed him $3,100 points! It's . . . a gamble.
The Lady has the potential to be one of the most powerful characters on the board. She's lightly armed, so not they type who can bully her way through a firefight, but she is extremely unpredictable and capable of causing chaos.
Most of the characters are forbidden from shooting her from a distance of greater than 6 spaces unless she is brandishing a weapon. She can catch you off guard within short range at a moment's notice.
There are a few characters with no scruples who are immune from this rule, so be sure to choose one of them if your opponent has latched onto this one!
Thanks for helping this Kickstarter to get off to a roaring start, and stay tuned all weekend for more info about the game!