
Gunfight Royale

Created by Forrest Harris, Knuckleduster Miniatures

Plastic cartoon gunfighters battle to the finish in a Wild West miniatures board game from the creators of Gunfighter's Ball!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 4 years ago – Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 04:41:08 PM

Hello everyone,

We had to say the 10, 9. 8 ... NASA countdown out loud as the seconds ticked down. 

Thank you so very much for believing in this game and working to make it possible to bring it to market! I am looking forward to getting a final production copy in my hand and making a place for pallets in the Knuckleduster Miniatures shop in Normal, Illinois.

During the next week or so, Kickstarter will get in touch with you to make the payment arrangements, and you'll be directed to something resembling a shopping cart that's called They manage the whole process of picking your add-ons, providing address information, and giving you the opportunity to pay for additional items.

I'm going to go collapse in a heap, get some rest, then start the work of finalizing graphics and working with our vendors to get the wheels of production turning.

Thanks again. You'll be hearing from me frequently with fulfillment info, and please speak up if you need help.

Well done everyone!


about 4 years ago – Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 09:59:58 AM

Good morning backers,

And welcome new backers!

Only 11 hours left, and we're sitting at nearly $21,000. Many, many thanks for your generous pledges.

I'll be working on finishing up the pledge manager setup today. 

This week Kickstarter will process your payments and you will be contacted by (make sure you let them through any email filters you might have). They are integrated with and Quartermaster Logistics (who will be packing and shipping your pledges) and are probably the first or second most commonly used service to manage pledges.

Backerkit will resemble a shopping cart. You will have a running total as you designate pledge dollars to different add-ons. Once you've used your pledge amount, you can add-on other items and the balance will be charged from the shopping cart. Payment for the amount over and above your pledge doesn't happen till shortly before fulfillment (whereas the amount pledged in the campaign is charged in the two weeks after the close of the Kickstarter itself).

The Backerkit cart is also designed to take preorders. If you encounter someone who might want to buy this game at the pre-order price (it goes up after fulfillment), they can register and purchase items from the cart. Of course, since they missed out on the Kickstarter, they don't receive the exclusive figure or free stretch goals, and the "level" deals do not apply to them. 

Please let me know if you need help, especially you first-timers. When I first used Kickstarter there were a lot of concepts I had to learn, and don't feel bad if it's a bit confusing.

Thanks for making this a great Kickstarter!


about 4 years ago – Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 06:57:34 AM

Good morning backers,

And welcome new backers!

We've passed the 19k point, unlocking the upgrade to the game box. This brings us to the last full day of the campaign; it will end tomorrow afternoon, 34 hours from now.

I am working on the page for the campaign this morning. This will be your portal to choosing your add-ons, verifying your address and payment method, and perhaps doing a little more shopping if you're so inclined! It also functions as a pre-order shopping cart for people to order the game and additional figures. Of course, those who preorder AFTER the campaign has ended don't receive free stretch goals (but they can order them at MSRP) or the exclusive figure.

Thank you for everything you've done to bring this great little game to life! I will be on hand to answer questions during these final hours, and when the campaign is over I'll keep you posted with updates on fulfillment.

All the best,


56 Hour Report
about 4 years ago – Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 09:05:16 AM

Good morning backers,

And welcome new backers!

I just want to thank everyone for bringing us to this point. Together we have brought a game to market with 23 miniatures in two materials and sculpting styles (45 unique sculpts overall), top quality cards and game materials, a modular terrain system, fancy tokens and clay poker chips. The heavy lifting is done.

During the time remaining, I'm going to do my best to spread the word and make people aware that our campaign is sitting here with a pile of stretch goal figures ready to be raked in if they make a pledge in the next two days.

Within the next couple of days I will be posting information for those new to this process about how the end-of-campaign backer survey works and how to use the preorder cart where everything is tidied up and made ready for fulfillment.

Keep your feedback and questions coming in the comments and messages.

All the best,


about 4 years ago – Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 04:47:40 PM

You've done it; you've unleashed the bear! If you have friends or relations who are not in on this, now is the time to show them how much loot they stand to gain by jumping in during the last couple of days!

A Short History Lesson

Why a bear in an Old West town by the way? Saloons in the roughest of the frontier towns would stage bear vs. bull, or bear vs. dog fights for men to gamble on (a decidedly despicable practice, but part of history nonetheless). Other saloons would keep a wild animal as a "mascot." In either case, you might find a angry bear loose in the town!

In a few moments the add-ons will go up for viewing so you can add a second bear in another format.

The next stretch goal will be a liner/organizer for the inside of the box. Not as glamorous as a figure set, but this will boost the quality of the game immensely, and I want to be sure we raise the funds to have it designed and manufactured with the game. It will kick in at the 19K level and I'll post graphics this evening.

When I started this campaign, I was never certain of the outcome. I am extremely grateful to all of you for carrying us to this level!

Have a good evening,
