almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 10:38:48 PM
Hi everyone,
The test is finished and thanks to some helpful feedback I've added some explanation to the pledge levels to help you navigate (especially the Hero level).
You should receive an email with a link to the Backerkit survey. Please let me know if you need help!
almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 08:20:40 AM
Hi everyone,
I hope you're finding the Backerkit pledge manager tolerably easy to use. I do realize the Hero Level can be a bit difficult to grasp. so I made a graphic explaining what you see when you finish checking out and what it means.
The root of the problem seems to be that the extra set of metal figures contains the term "stretch goal," making it seem like they are an upgrade rather than an extra set. They are an additional set; you still get to choose the main stretch goals (and the basic figures) in one of the other two formats.
Here's what it looks like in Backerkit (the colored highlights were added by me):
So when the top section says "basic figures, metal format" and you chose plastic figures in response to the questions, don't worry; they figures in the top section are extra figures, not the plastic ones you chose. Those are in yellow under "Pledge Question Items." You will receive both.
This is only an issue in the Hero Level.
(This was a real backer, by the way. Wow, look at all the add-ons! Thank you, sir).
Please keep the questions coming; I will be monitoring the boards all day and I'm happy to spend as much time as you need to help you through this process.
You can make changes till September, so you can take some comfort knowing that you have some flexibility if you have a realization or understanding that changes your choices.
Many thanks to all of you,
Smoke Test
almost 4 years ago
– Sat, Feb 13, 2021 at 04:31:08 PM
Hi Everyone,
We've been sitting tight, waiting for Kickstarter to finish processing payments. That should be wrapping up soon. The plan is to open the Backerkit tomorrow. A small percentage of you will be notified that it's open already; this is called a "smoke test," and will help spot any problems that weren't caught in setup.
If all goes well, we should be able to open up the Pledge Manager tomorrow!
Just a few notes;
1. If you're a retailer, all of your fulfillment will occur outside of Backerkit, so you won't find your info in the system. Contact me directly to assign your pledge dollars ([email protected]).
2. All backers in the Pledge Manager (Backerkit) will have a survey that allows you to choose your figure style in both the game and the stretch goals.
3. After making your basic choices, you can proceed to the add-on section where you can assign pledge dollars to add-ons.
4. You can make changes throughout the spring and summer; the Pledge Manager doesn't close down till September. At that point we need final counts to place orders for some of the add-ons with outside vendors.
5. I'll be on hand to answer questions, as will the Backerkit staff.
6. At the same time the Pledge Manager opens, a parallel cart for Preorders opens. Anyone you know who didn't get in on the Kickstarter can still pre-order the game. They will not have the exclusive figure available to them, and they buy everything a-la-carte (no level deals and they must pay for the stretch goal figure sets).
Please let me know if you have any questions, and I look forward to finally seeing which figure styles you chose!
All the best,
about 4 years ago
– Thu, Feb 04, 2021 at 11:49:19 AM
Hi everybody,
Hard to believe it's been almost a week since the Kickstarter wrapped up!
The Backerkit portal is ready to launch, but I found out I need to wait until all the payments have cleared Kickstarter before I activate it. So the new date for the opening of the Backerkit phase is February 15th. Sorry for the wait, but Backerkit wants Kickstarter to resolve all issues with cards, etc. before the hand off.
Thanks for a great Kickstarter, and please let me know if you need help.
All the best,
Backerkit Friday
about 4 years ago
– Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 01:39:27 PM
Hello backers,
Wow, what a weekend!
I've been spending the last couple of days populating the Backerkit system with data and images. I'll have them run a test and make sure everything works as expected and you'll receive a link Friday so you can get started assigning your pledge dollars to items.
The different options made available during the campaign will be easy to navigate in Backerkit. Each item that has options or variants (standard plastic figures vs. Gunfighter's Ball figures, for instance) will have boxes you can tick to choose which one you want.
You will be able to make changes until we lock it down in late summer (sometime in September), so don't fret too much over the choices you make at this stage.
Thanks for everything, and please keep the questions coming!
All the best,