
Gunfight Royale

Created by Forrest Harris, Knuckleduster Miniatures

Plastic cartoon gunfighters battle to the finish in a Wild West miniatures board game from the creators of Gunfighter's Ball!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sneak Peek
about 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 07, 2022 at 08:00:30 AM

Hello everybody,

I received pictures and video from the tray manufacturer:

They are ready to start manufacturing and there is a real possibility they will come around the same time as the rest of the stuff.

I'll keep you posted!

All the best,


about 2 years ago – Mon, Dec 05, 2022 at 07:32:06 AM

Hi everybody,

I have more particulars about the shipment I'm waiting for in order to complete fulfillment.

I got this message over the weekend from my contractor. Pretty much what we knew, but it's good to get some more detail and to have some kind of end in sight:

"12 cartons, it's on its way. It has been held is customs for 16 days. Also 6 days delayed due to district shut downs. About to leave port this week when they release it and will have a tracking number for you. Should of been out the country more than 3 weeks ago but forced lock downs in hub districts and held in customs due to covid protocols. I have got it cleared via customs today after a a lot of phone calls.  We will have a tracking number as soon as it leaves China today to tomorrow. But good news as soon as it lands in the USA it will be air freighted to my place. This has been a glorious headache.  Should be here in 10-20 days guaranteed. Waiting news it has finally left the country. This is one of a multitude of shipments that have been delayed. I inquired where the shipment was at Friday and got to the bottom of it today.  When they hold goods due to Chinese Covid Protocols there is nothing anyone can do. Has happened to me and my clients 4 times now including you."

Not sure I like the term "port." I hope this doesn't mean it's coming by sea. There is a good possibility the trays with come about the same time as this shipment, and if so, there is only one shipment outstanding for you. Watching the news lately, I think we might have been lucky to get this shipment out of China at all!

I apologize for the wait, and I especially want to thank my international backers for their patience. I know it's difficult to wait, and I appreciate your flexibility in allowing me to send it all in one shipment. Please keep the lines of communication through your comments and messages, and let's all keep our fingers crossed that there are no more shipping delays.

All the best,


Latest News
about 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 24, 2022 at 02:34:42 AM

Hello everyone,

And Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in our part of the world!

I spoke to Sam, my manufacturing rep, and he said the modular map boards and expansion cards have finally been shipped from China. Much depends on how quickly they clear US Customs, but they are definitely on the way at this point. 

I apologize for this long wait, and especially to our international backers who have had to wait for the game itself in addition to these items. 

The plastic trays are being manufactured by Meijia game manufacturing at this very moment.

Please contact me at any time if you have a question about where things are at. We've boxed up the remaining kits (international orders) and they are lined up in the shop with their tops open, waiting for those final pieces!

Thank you all for backing Gunfight Royale, and let's hope we can wrap it all up soon!

All the best,


Update on Backordered Items
about 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 11:36:33 AM

Hi everyone,

I have gotten word that the manufacturing of the extra boards and cards is complete. The issue now is getting them airfreighted over. The region where the shipping hubs are located has experienced multiple covid lockdowns. I've been told the materials could come any day, the only variable being whether workers are allowed to go to work and catch up shipping everything that's in line ahead of us.

Thank you all for being so patient in the face of these delays. I'll keep you informed of the status from week-to-week or when new information becomes available.

All the best,


over 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 06:19:42 AM

Hi Everyone,

Thank you all for your patience as we roll out the games. We stand at 138 kits sent; we paused because we thought for sure we would get the missing expansion items last week. We did not, and we're resuming shipping games with backorder slips so you can start rolling dice as soon as possible!

As a reminder, the backorders do not have to do with the base game or the figures, so you will be able to start playing immediately upon delivery of the first shipment. The items we're missing are the modular map board kits, the cards for the stretch goal figures, and the plastic trays for inside the box. The first two items are past due to come in and will be shipped as soon as they arrive. The plastic trays will lag behind in a third shipment round about December.

Please keep the lines of communication open. If there are any questions I can answer or order problems I can help resolve, please message me or ask in the comments below. Thank you all so much for backing the project and supporting this game!

All the best,
