Quick Update
over 2 years ago
– Sun, Oct 23, 2022 at 02:00:55 AM
Hi everyone,
. . . . but especially Hero backers. You are owed a metal cartoon bear to go with the set of metal upgraded basic figures and stretch goal figures that are a perk of the Hero level. When I did the data entry for backerkit I forgot to specify that it was part of that deal, and it did not put them on the packing lists we printed out for fulfillment.
The little critters will go out with the backordered cards.
Speaking of which . . .
I heard from my broker and they are in transit with an expected arrival of the first part of this week. He is going to drive them over himself (45 minutes down the road) as soon as they land on his porch.
If that estimate holds true, we'll probably pause fulfillment till they arrive so the second half of our backers get their cards and/or modular map boards in one shipment instead of two.
The trays look like they're about 7-8 weeks out. They will definitely be shipped separately.
Please let me know if you have any questions; I'll be on hand tomorrow and I'll be watching the boards!
All the best,
Progress Report and Duplicates
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Oct 22, 2022 at 01:43:48 AM
Hi everyone,
We had 127 kits out the door at the end of the day yesterday. More will be going out today!
It just dawned on me that some people ordered duplicates of the same item. I have to confess it never occurred to me that people would want duplicates, so I missed it on some tickets and I'm watching for it now. The duplicate items will be sent with the backordered items. My apologies, and I am flattered that you want so much stuff!
As always, message me if you need any help or order corrections.
All the best,
Progress Report
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 05:24:52 PM
Hi everyone,
Games are going out the door! We're up to about 62 shipments, and the pace is picking up. They're going out at a pace of 15 games per day.
This is the first of two shipments for most of you. You will be receiving the game, all your figures (including all styles of figures, all materials, and all extra figures like bears and exclusives), and any fancy poker chip or token sets ordered.
The second shipment will have the card set that goes with the nine expansion (stretch goal) figures and the modular map kit add-on if you ordered it. It has been delayed by a vendor with an overly-optimistic shipping estimate.
Loose Canon backers will be missing the character and weapons cards for the antihero, which will be sent separately when they come in.
There will be a third shipment down the road a bit for the plastic tray.
As an aside, I found an extra backorder slip on the packing table, so if you receive an order and wonder why everything is not in there, it's because you're missing that slip of paper!
If you've gotten your game, please leave us a comment below!
Thank you all very much, and I'll post more updates as fulfillment progresses.
All the best,
Figure Style
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 04:13:35 PM
Hi everyone,
I have encountered more backers who wanted the cartoon figures but accidentally ordered the 28mm traditional miniatures (the Gunfighter's Ball figures).
If you definitely want the 28mm figures there is no need to contact me--I've got you covered. So far the mistake hasn't happened in that direction.
If you aren't familiar with the difference and definitely want the cartoon characters, please let me know. It was easy to get confused during the backerkit survey.
I've found that most of the people who have gotten them switched around were primarily board gamers and not wargame hobbyists, so if you fit that description, you might check your selection. I believe the way to do that is by locating the email from Backerkit or Kickstarter that lists what you got.
My apologies for any confusion created by the wording of the choices.
More games going out today!
Take care,
Friday Update
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Oct 01, 2022 at 03:26:16 PM
Hi everyone,
I had been selective this week, sending out the low hanging fruit and hoping my shipment of cards and boards would come today. It did not; that means we really start shoveling games out the door Monday with backorder slips and do a second round of shipments when the balance of the gear comes in. At least everyone can start playing the game and get their hands on the other stuff that DID come in and that we produced in-house.
You've all been so patient, I really owe you a debt of gratitude. Have a good weekend, and if you got your game, may the dice be with you!
All the best,